Heaven and Hale
Reading and studying the Bible is so much more than crossing something off your to-do list. It can be fulfilling and FUN to learn the Word of God. Join teacher and Bible study leader, Anna Hale, as she discusses her favorite Bible study tips, digs into scripture, and talks about life in the ministry at church and school. Basically, everything is on the agenda in this podcast on Heaven and Hale.
112 episodes
113- Sunday Recap with Cohost Christina Link: A Generous Church
Sunday was so exciting, and we're kicking off the episode with our first reactions to our nephew getting baptized! We're talking about missions, generosity in the church, and a Bible character you might want to dress up as for the next "Dress l...
Season 2
Episode 113

112- Sunday Recap with Christina Link: The King is Coming
Welcome back to the Sunday Recap! What the Lord was trying to speak to us during the service today was confirmed over and over and over again: Get ready, the King is coming! Throughout our opening, the song set, the message, and the altar call,...
Season 2
Episode 112

111- Sunday Recap with Cohost Christina Link: Set Free to Live Free
Welcome back to the Heaven and Hale podcast and to another episode of the Sunday Recap. Today we're talking about our favorite hymns, how Wednesday night small groups have been going, and we're recapping Pastor Joseph's message from Sunday morn...
Season 2
Episode 111

110- Sunday Recap with Christina Link: Jesus Loves You
Welcome back, friends! In this episode of the Sunday Recap, we're recapping the March Hope Kids' Service, and it's all fun and games until it's time to get serious. We start this episode with a game of "This or That" that we played during servi...
Season 2
Episode 110

109- The Sunday Recap with Cohost Christina Link: Hope at the End of the Rope
Welcome back to the Heaven and Hale Podcast, the Sunday Recap Edition! This Sunday was all about Hope-- not Hope Apostolic, the place, but the Hope we have in Jesus. In Pastor Joseph's message this morning, he talked about three things that tak...
Season 2
Episode 109

108- Sunday Recap: God is Bigger than This and That
We put God in a box, and we're not just talking about the things we want Him to do... It's what we believe about who He is. He is so much BIGGER! This episode is chaotic, and we talk ALOT, but the premise is simple: we need to take...
Season 2
Episode 108

107- Sunday Recap with Cohost Christina Link: When We All Get to Heaven
Welcome to another Sunday Recap! Christina says this is our "Hot-Take" since we recorded this episode within minutes of ending today's service. We're sharing our song set (spoiler alert: it was about heaven), our favorite one-liners from Bro. J...
Season 2
Episode 107

106- Sunday Recap with Christina Link: "Letting Go of the Past"
Welcome back to the Sunday Recap! We're covering a lot of ground in this episode, so I'm adding some time stamps for you. We want to start by expressing our gratitude for the love and support poured out for our family over the past two weeks. Y...
Season 2
Episode 106

105- Sunday Recap with Cohost Christina Link: Let God Change Your Story
We're kicking off this week with our first actual recap of a sermon. This Sunday was definitely one of those "had to be there" kind of experiences, but we're doing our best to share it with you all. The sermon was "You Can Win: C...
Season 2
Episode 105

104- Sunday Recap with Co-host Christina Link: Get in the Fight While the Fighting is Good
Welcome back to another episode of the Sunday Recap! We're recapping the first service of the new year, and, well, sometimes things just get weird. We're trying really hard to de-mystify the process of what is goes on when something goes wrong,...
Season 2
Episode 104

103- Crash Course for a Successful Year of Bible Reading w/ Pastor Joseph Hale
Did you set goals for Bible reading this year? We believe in you, and we have 5 tips (+ 1) that have helped us on our Bible reading journey. We know they will help you too! We start the episode discussing what it means to be successful in Bible...
Season 2
Episode 103

102- Sunday Recap with Christina Link: Testimony Sunday
"I've turned a corner, I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is not a man that he should lie, and because I know that I have hope for these things I've prayed for over and over and over again. God has a plan, and it is good!"Welco...
Season 2
Episode 102

101- Sunday Recap: Nights of Hope with Joseph Hale
Are we officially old if being away from home at 8:11pm makes us anxious? That's where Joseph and I were when we recorded this episode after a jam-packed weekend of Christmas festivities (pun intended... we literally "jammed out" on instruments...
Season 1
Episode 101

100- Home Bible Studies with Christina Link, Jessica Link, Hannah Crouch, Lauren Pitts, Rachel Pitts, Lauren Gammons, and Rayann Smith
Yay for Episode 100! This year has been a journey for both the podcast and my home Bible study. I'm so thankful to have all the ladies that I've been studying with on Tuesday nights on this episode to talk about everything we've learned. By ask...
Season 1
Episode 100

099- Sunday Recap: Choose this Day
Welcome everyone to another Sunday Recap! It's been an eventful few days around here, and I'm doing my best to recap it all for you. Pastor Joseph's message today was "Limping Between Two Opinions," and it was taken from 1 Kings and the account...
Season 1
Episode 99

098- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 9: Luke 15
I would love for you to read the book of Luke with me this Christmas season. Each day there will be an episode where I will read a scripture from that day’s chapter and try to remind us all to keep our eyes on Jesus. Today I'm reading from Luke...
Season 1
Episode 98

097- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 8: Luke 11
Let's take a moment to pray.... but for what? Maybe you have the Lord's prayer from the gospel of Matthew memorized, well Luke gives us instruction on that too! The Lord's prayer is a great outline for how to pray, but following these scripture...
Season 1
Episode 97

096- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 7: Luke 8
Yay! It's Friday, and the weekend is here! In December, that often means running around and doing all. the. things. Maybe you just need a few quiet moments to focus your eyes on Jesus. I'm glad you're here. In Luke 8, we see that Jesus truly is...
Season 1
Episode 96

095- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 6: Luke 7
When I think about what I need, and what I want to provide for you, my listeners, it’s this: a quiet, still moment, to center myself, and readjust my focus, to put my eyes back on Jesus, my thoughts back on Jesus every day. It feels so cliche t...
Season 1
Episode 95

094- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 5: Luke 6
During the month of December, I like to read the book of Luke. Honestly, mainly because it’s 24 chapters and I can read the whole book if I read one chapter a day. But also because it’s a book written to the Gentiles, and a sweet reminder that ...
Season 1
Episode 94

093- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 4: Luke 4
Welcome to another episode of the Heaven and Hale podcast. I’m doing something a little different today. It’s December, the holiday season is upon us, and for many people the Christmas season is completely overwhelming. When I think about what ...
Season 1
Episode 93

092- Sunday Recap: Fire
Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of the Heaven and Hale podcast, this is the Sunday recap. We’re just home from the first Sunday of December, and so many things came together in this morning’s service. I don’t know if this has ever ...
Season 1
Episode 92

091- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 3: Luke 3
Welcome to another episode of the Heaven and Hale podcast. I’m doing something a little different today. It’s December, the holiday season is upon us, and for many people the Christmas season is completely overwhelming. When I think about what ...
Season 1
Episode 92

090- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 2: Luke 2
Welcome to another episode of the Heaven and Hale podcast. I’m doing something a little different today. It’s December, the holiday season is upon us, and for many people the Christmas season is completely overwhelming. When I think about what ...
Season 1
Episode 90

089- 12 Days of Christmas Quiet Time Day 1: Luke 1
Welcome to another episode of the Heaven and Hale podcast. I’m doing something a little different today. It’s December 1st, the holiday season is upon us, and for many people the Christmas season is completely overwhelming. When I think about w...
Season 1
Episode 89